SisterHeart Circles

Custom Retreats, DayTreats & Events

Welcome to our website. 
We create custom retreats for women.

We co-create custom retreats for your group or organization.

We teach you to lead your own retreats and women's circles.

SisterHeart Circles

SisterHeart Circles is a leader in a global movement, creating empowering experiences for women that inspire personal growth and foster a sense of compassion and understanding through the healing power of vibration.

We are professional coaches, teachers, counselors, and leaders who co-create private retreat, daytreat, and event experiences with your group or organization. Our focus is to involve you and your people in the healing experiences we facilitate using vibration, sound, movement, and other activities by tapping into our innate desire to create, move, laugh, and play.

We offer weeklong, weekend, one-day, half-day private, corporate, family, and friend events where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, connection, and empowerment. 

Our online courses teach you how to run, lead, and grow your own retreats and women's circles.

Consult with Us Today

Summer 2025
SisterHeart Circle Women's Retreat

May 15, - 18, 2025 | 4 Days, 3 Nights
Internationally Renowned Retreat Center in the Spiritual Vortex of Crestone, Colorado

Our 2023 & 2024 retreats Sold Out Quickly.
Secure Your Spot for 2025 Today!

Autumn 2025
SisterHeart Circle Women's Retreat

October 17, -19, 2025 | 4 Days, 3 Nights Prairiewoods Retreat Center 
Hiawatha, Iowa

Secure Your Spot Now!

Learn to Run, Lead & Grow Your Own Retreats & Women's Circles

3 Live Online Courses (Also Recorded)




Developing Your Vision Starts with You

Live Online




Creating Your 1st Women's Circle

Live Online




Creating Your 1st Women's Retreat

Live Online

Choose One or All 3 Classes

Learn more and enroll...

Drum Making DayTreats

We will bring to your group one of our most enjoyable progams:
Making Your Own Native American Drum

1. Creative Expression
Crafting your own drum allows you to express your creativity and individuality. You can personalize your drum with unique designs and decorations, making it a true reflection of your inner self.

2. Stress Relief
The process of making and playing a drum can be incredibly therapeutic. Engaging in hands-on activities and rhythmic drumming can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

3. Enhanced Focus and Mindfulness Drum-making requires concentration and attention to detail, which can enhance your focus and mindfulness. This meditative process helps you stay present and connected to the task at hand.

4. Sense of Accomplishment
Completing a drum-making project gives you a sense of achievement and pride. Holding and playing an instrument you created yourself can boost your self-esteem and confidence.

5. Community Building
Drum-making events bring people together, fostering a sense of community and connection. Sharing this creative experience with others can strengthen social bonds and create lasting memories.

You Can Also Have Us Bring Drumming Circles to Your:
Women's Groups
Book Clubs 
Celebration of Life
Team Building
Corporate Retreats


Learn more about SisterHeart Circles Custom Retreats, DayTreats & Events

Download Your Guide Here

What We Offer

Women’s gatherings offer a captivating blend of spiritual practices, wellness activities, and community engagement, creating a unique space where women can truly thrive, connect with their inner selves, and experience personal growth and empowerment.

Our retreats, daytreats, and other events go beyond a get-a-way, they are metamorphical journeys where women can transform into the versions of themselves they may have never thought possible.

The healing power of vibration through movement, sound, mindfulness, creative expression, and/or other activities are at the core of our events. These experiences are central to a deeper expression of inner strength and lasting transformation.

We customize the experience to fit your needs! If you can think of an event with a group of people, we can find a way to enhance the group's experience.

           Drumming . Nia® . TranscenDance™. Sound Baths . Qigong . Vocals
                                                                and more...

Retreats, DayTreats & Events

Unlock the potential of your next chapter in life. Replenish your mind, body, and soul with women from all walks of life coming together, without competition and judgement, and open our hearts to one another.

Drumming is one of our most sought after transformative events. Any group can benefit from a drumming event.

Take the First Step for Your Group 

One to One Mentorship

• Guiding you in rediscovering your purpose
• Clarity on your ideal vision for the results you would really love
• Supporting you in bringing your vision to fruition
• Empowering you to live in your truth
• Inspiring you to stay connected to your highest self 

30 Mintue Complimentary Conversation

One to One Healing

Sound ~ Energy ~ Vibration 
Promotes relaxation
Reduces stress
Rebalances the body's energy systems
Vibrational Attunement for Health
Sound for Brain Coherence

Request Information on Healing Sessions

Private Drumming Circles

Bachelorette Party
Girl's Night Out
Afterwork Gathering

Have a new kind of experience!
Drumming is fun and good for you!

Contact Us for More Information

Are looking to create your next chapter in life?
Are you in a helping profession?
Are you a woman providing support and service to others in crisis?

Are you ready to pause?
Are you willing to renew and refresh your inner resources?
Are you looking to let go of stress?


Private Events

Deepen your bond with your team/friends.
Meet new women and make new friendships.
Reduce and release stress.
Rejuvinate your inner spark.
Rediscover your purpose.
Have fun!

Revitalize Your Life: Exclusive Gatherings for Women

Unlock the full potential of your life with our specially curated gatherings, designed exclusively for women creating the next chapter in their lives. 

Experience a rejuvenating blend of renewal and personal growth in a setting of your choosing that promises to leave you inspired, refreshed, and ready to make a greater impact. 

Daytreats for the Busy Woman Short on Time

Our half-day and one-day mini-retreats offer a concentrated dose of inspiration and experiences that fit into your busy schedule. 

Join Us

Embrace this opportunity to step back from the daily grind, gain fresh perspectives, and return to your practice with renewed passion and purpose.

Schedule a consultation now and prepare for an unforgettable experience that will resonate long after you return to your daily life. 

In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask you one of four questions:

When did you stop dancing?

When did you stop singing?

When did you stop being enchanged by stories?

When did you sto finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?

- Angeles Arrien, Ph.D.
Author, The Four-Fold Way & Signs of Life

SisterHeart Circles

We bring all these elements, in different formats and modalities, to our retreats, daytreats, and events. 


What Our SisterHeart Circles Retreatants have to say...

It was Love from the moment we walked in! The whole weekend was an exercise in experiencing Love!

Janet is a magnificent leader!
Thank-you, WOMEN OF WISDOM! 

Rosemary Dunaif

New Jersey

I have always loved to exercise, and I have always been a sort of Tom Boy, but I never thought of myself as a dancer.

I loved the movement we did this weekend! It was so freeing and so fun! Janet said I can call myself a dancer now!

Maribeth Gustafson

Denver, Colorado

I was at the SisterHeart Circle woman’s retreat!

The entire weekend was Feminine Divine Energy! It was so freeing!

Valerie Trujillo

Loveland, Colorado

This whole retreat weekend was wonderful! Just what I needed!

Thank you for all the love!

Can we make this an annual event? 

Patty Blades


It feels good to know that we all shared the experience of this retreat weekend together. Now we can move forward filled with the love and positive energy that we received... Sharing that love and positivity with others we meet each day.

Can you imagine how beautiful the world could be? 

Gina Masem-Lammers

Littleton, Colorado

I am filled with Light on my heart for each one of you as I remember our shared experiences of this retreat weekend. I am grateful beyond words.

Claudia Milner

Arvada, Colorado

The whole weekend of this retreat was magical! Rejoice! 

To have that many amazing women in one place is like a miracle in itself, and hopefully, our weekend blessed the planet with love and healing. Thank you one and all!

What an amazing weekend! Looking forward to next year! 


Your voice has a lot to tell you.

Vibrational Attuning for Health uses a computer program to identify the low or missing frequencies in the body, interprets your voice chart and explains what you can do to improve your health.

"For all the instruments available on this planet, the most powerful is human voice. This is expecially true when the voice is used for healing."

-Jonathan Goldman, Healing Sounds

"Everything in life is vibration."
- Albert Einstein

"Everything That Is, is the result of vibration. And if you don't like the result, change the vibration, that's all!" - Nicola Tesla


Immerse yourself in the healing power of sound.

Sound healing can take multiple forms including guided meditation and sound baths using various aspects of sound to focus on your overall wellbeing.
In Hollie's sound healing sessions she uses crystal singing bowls,  the Angel Harp, and chimes.

Sound healing isn't making noise it's making connection. Every thought you think makes a sound that vibrates so if you want to live a harmonious life, make sure your thoughts play the right notes. Sound bathing is soul cleansing.

“Everything is Vibrating, Everything is Frequency – Hum along”

“Sound can reach the wounded parts of you that medicine can never find.” - Dr. Toni Sorenson

“In sound we are born, in sound we are healed”
- Mehtab Benton


Let the Movement Set You Free!

TranscenDance™ takes the mindfulness of yoga off the mat and infuses it with free-form joyful conscious dance. This mind-body-spirit movement modality is appropriate for all ages, and movement abilities.

TranscenDance™ can help you to shake off stress, release tension, rejuvenate your body, center your mind and connect with your spirit.

The ten stages of TranscenDance™ walk you through; guided breathing, relaxation and stretching, fun, free-form conscious dance, energy healing, embodiment coaching, life empowerment, and more.

“All that is important is this one moment in movement. Make the moment important, vital, and worth living. Do not let it slip away unnoticed and unused.”
-Martha Graham

“The fastest way to still the mind is to move the body.
— Gabrielle Roth
Dancer and Author, Maps to Ecstasy

“Dancing is surely the most basic and relevant of all forms of expression. Nothing else can so effectively give outward form to an inner experience. ... There could be no better metaphor for an understanding of the mechanics of the cosmos.”
― Lyall Watson
Author, Gifts of Unknown Things: A True Story of Nature, Healing, and Initiation from Indonesia's Dancing Island 

Our Stories

We Are Natural-born Storytellers

Our entire worldview and memories are created out of our stories. Two people can witness the same event, process and interpret it completely differently and reach completely different conclusions about what just happened. And that’s before the fluid and corrosive effects of memory take hold. The reality of the actual event, even if it was recorded on film, blurs into the past. In its place: Stories, our way of interpreting what we have seen, which is all we have to make sense of what passes before our eyes.

Storytelling is a fundamental human experience that enables us to share, understand, and connect with each other on a deeper level. It’s a tool that has been used since the dawn of humankind and continues to be essential in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to business and education.

Storytelling is central to meaning-making and sense-making. Through stories, we form and examine our truths and beliefs. 

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”
― Philip Pullman

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya Angelou
Author and Poet

“We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”
― Jimmy Neil Smith
Founder and President, Emeritus, of the International Storytelling Center


What retreat attendees write about us...

"I have never felt more free or more completely me than I did at Janet's retreat!" - Barb Paul 

Barb Paul

Centennial, CO

I came to the Janet's retreat to breakthrough my emotions, learn some new techniques, and get a handle on how to deal with things in my life. The things that were a little out of my comfort zone gave me confidence to love myself more and give myself more Joy! 

 Bonnie Reynolds-Rohdes

Madison, WI

"I came to Janet's retreat because I was invited by my friend, Michele. I wasn't sure what I was expecting but I’m really glad I went because I learned to accept myself and I’m reinforcing my acceptance this weekend. I’m confident now when I say that I am a wonderful person and I don’t need anyone else’s validation. I certainly learned that this weekend. I’m so glad I came and so thankful to my friend who invited me."  

Melissa Delaney

Pittsville, WI

"I came to Janet's retreat because I needed to get out of a funk. I was stuck in a funk. I needed some time for myself. I needed to get some clarity and have a breakthrough, allow myself to do that. Since I’ve been here I’ve had so many revelations and emotional release. It has really helped me clear my mind and have more Joy!" 

Theresa Guzman

Willernie, MN

Meet Our SisterHeart Circles Team

Janet Langmeier, Gina Chilton, and Hollie Kikel are SisterHeart Circle. Working in harmony, they lovingly blend their unique talents to co-create your private retreat/daytreat or event experience.

Janet Langmeier

Founder, Phoenix Soaring Intl
Certified Mastery Mindset™ Coach
Certified Life Mastery® Consultant
Certified TranscenDance™ Facilitator
Certified IIN Health Coach™


Certified Vibrational Attunement for Health™ Practitioner
Certified Nia® Facilitator
Certified Square Foot Gardening™ Specialist


Certified Biofield Healing Immersion® Healer
Certified Life Mastery® Consultant
Certified Sound Healer
Certified Qigong Instructor

SisterHeart Circles Retreat Team

Not all team members are available for every event.

Kathy Teschendorf

Licensed Massage Therapist & Energy Healer

Elizabeth Hoyt

Licensed Therapist
EFT & EMDR Practitioner

Amy Hedges

Certified Yoga Instructor
Addiction Recovery Specialist

Claudia Milner

Certified Resiliency Coach
Reiki Master

Stacy Hanson

Channeler of "The Choir"

Graceful Awakenings
to the Divine Feminine Women's Retreat 

May 15 - 18, 2025
Crestone, Colorado

Our retreats sell out quickly!

Learn More


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"Your magik is recognised and your power is known."

- Anoushka Florence